April 5, 2021
Rippey public library news – This week is Library Week. When I was hired 2-1/2 years ago our library was going to be 75 years old. We were going to celebrate with an open house and have cookies and punch. I was going to see how many could read 75 books!
Fast forward to this year. We have virtually been closed for a year and our 150th town celebration had to be postponed, too. That is what a pandemic does. Nothing is normal!
We have been open longer than most libraries, but we still can’t have kids come in and play with toys or puzzles, older patrons have been afraid to come in so I have handed out books, and we didn’t get to have our summer reading program last year, either. We did do Bubbles in the Park that several enjoyed, but it just wasn’t the same.
We don’t have final plans yet on summer reading or celebrating our library’s anniversary. I guess we will celebrate when we have the 150th celebration July 31. We need a person for summer reading. I’m still hoping we will do something this summer.
We are going to get “Bridges” for the library, but it won’t be final until the first of next year. There is a process to go through but it will be so you can order books, movies, and magazines on the internet with your library card. You will be able to have them two weeks. It will be nice for some people who can’t get to the library during the hours that I am open.
We sent out a flyer about the library and I hope people will feel they can give us some suggestions for what they want. I have been ordering a lot of new books. When someone asks for a book I try to order it.
Happy Reading! ~Phyllis Bardole, librarian
Jean’s Jottings – I have been enjoying the time outside (between the windy spells) to clean a small section at a time. It won’t be long before some spring flowers will be blooming.
The two “gals” who celebrated special birthdays with more cards and phone calls this year just because of reaching a certain milestone, were surprised and grateful to be remembered by so many. Again, happy 90th to Virgene Morse and 80th to Rippey 1959 graduate Mary Ann Young Miller of Perry. My husband was one of the youngest in this class of great people. It was fun to be a part of their special day. ~ Jean Borgeson